Monday, December 1, 2014


It has come to the attention of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) that certain organizations have been inviting coop Officers, Directors and Committee members to attend, join and participate trainings purportedly in consonance with the proposed amendments to the Rules and Regulations Implementing Certain and Special Provisions of the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 specifically referring to Rule 7 of said Code titled, “Functions, Responsibilities and Training Requirements of Directors, Officers and Committee Members”.  The invitation likewise reminds the prospective participants that failure on their part to comply with the training requirements will subject them to appropriate legal sanctions.
In view of the foregoing, the CDA  makes this public announcement that it is not authorizing, supporting and approving the conduct of the trainings in question using the proposed amendments of the Rules as motivation in enticing attendance of coop Officers, Directors and Committee members.  Be it noted that the proposed amendments are yet pending before the Philippine Congress for approval.  Thus, to hold trainings of such nature pending approval of the proposed amendments to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9520 is unduly called for and is improper.
Accordingly, coop Officers, Directors and Committee members are distinctly advised to circumspect in responding to said invitations.  Hence, proper verification of the validity and propriety of said trainings offered should be first made in order not to incur waste of time, effort and resources on your part.
On a last note, suffice it to state that the CDA does not condone acts intended to defraud its transacting clients to satisfy the ill-motives of those behind this scheme.  Rather, it is concerned with its duty to protect the interest and welfare of the members of the coop sector.

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