Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The University of Northern Philippines (UNP) was recently added to the list of recognized state university and colleges (SUCs) that the CDA has partnered with in the provision of training of trainers to CDA Accredited Cooperative Training Service Providers. In his speech before CDA officials and regional directors during a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing between CDA and UNP held on December 5, 2014 at Elan Hotel, San Juan Manila, state university President Gilbert R. Arce thanked the CDA “for accommodating it thru a partnership which will strengthen its function as a pre-service training provider,” ..”hoping that this will spell mutual benefits between the two parties in providing quality service to the young who will be leaders of the future. “Arce added that “the University of Northern  Philippines takes pride in being the only university to have acquired accreditation in its Business Management course and looks forward to a continuous partnership with CDA withan end goal of making the Philippines as a cooperative hub of Asia.”

For his part, OIC Adm. Eulogio Castillo said the partnership is “a paradigm shift of the CDA oftaking care of the micro and small cooperatives,” and by “mobilizing SUCs in every province, it becomes an instrument in changing the lives of the people.”(MGC)

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Quezon City, Philippines. In a rare occasion for a government office, the Cooperative Development Authority gets ISO 9001:2008 for Central and all regional offices throughout the country. TUV Rheinland, thru its Philippine office represented by its Chief Operating Officer Tristan Arwen G. Loveres, awards the certificates to Tuguegarao(Region II), Naga (Region V), Cebu (Region VII), Ilo-ilo, (Region VI), Pagadian (Region IX), Cagayan De Oro(Region X), Davao (Region XI), Kidapawan (Region XII) and Caraga Extension Offices on December 4, 2014 during the 2nd CDA Performance and Planning Conference at Greenhills Elan Hotel, San Juan City, Manila. It will be recalled that the Central and Manila Extension Offices were initially given the certification for meeting the standards in CDA registration process on December 12, 2012. This was followed by Bagiuo (Cordillera Administrative Region), Dagupan (Region I), Pampanga (Region III) and Calamba (Regions IV-A & IV-B) in 2013. The Tacloban (Region VIII) was originally included in the list of the CDA offices targeted to be certified but because of the aftermath of Super Typhoon Yolanda which wrecked the entire city of Tacloban where the CDA regional office for Eastern Vizayas is located, the same office is belatedly re-scheduled to be subjected to ISO certification processes next year.
Mr. Tristan Loveres, praised CDA for this achievement. He said that the standards will be uniformly applied to all offices of the CDA in the whole country. This is an "evidence of CDA's compliance with the international standards which takes focus on customers' satisfaction," Loveres added.  Because of the ISO Certification of CDA, the agency and its officers and personnel will be mindful of the continual improvement of the systems and processes because of institutionalization of the customers/clients feedbacks. This will result to total customers’ satisfaction which augurs well for the good public image of the agency which will redound to the increased goodwill of the cooperative sector and stakeholders. 
The TWG on Awareness Capability Building of the Government-wide Quality Management Program (GQMP) had identified CDA as one of the priority agencies for the ISO 9001-certifiable Quality Management System (QMS) that will address our country’s improvement of the world competitiveness scorecard. This was the start of the CDA's journey toward ISO certification as shared by Executive Director Ray Elevazo.
Being an ISO Certified agency, it will surely boost the morale of the working force which will motivate them to become more productive and customer focused.
In his message, Administrator from Luzon Nelon Alindogan highlighted this another milestone in the chapter of the history of the CDA of getting the ISO 9001:2008 Certification.  He shared his experience during his stint in the private sector how tedious it was for the manufacturing firm to acquire that seal of high international standards of Quality Management System.  This achievement is something that the members of the CDA family must treasure for long.  He mentioned that this is just the beginning and we must sustain this gain so that our effort will not be branded as a mere "ningas-cugon." We must continue in our effort towards achieving excellence.
Administrator from Vizayas Mercedes Castillo extended congratulatory messages to those CDA personnel especially who painstakingly contributed time and effort that made this achievement possible.  
Administrator Penny Disimban in his message stated that: "ang award ay nagpapatunay ng patuloy na pagsusulong ng CDA sa mga programa ni Pangulong Aquino sa ilalim ng Matuwid na Daan sa pamamagitan ng serbisyo na de-kalidad."
In his acceptance message, CDA OIC Dr. Eulogio T. Castillo stressed: "ang ISO 9001:2008 ay isang di-pangkaraniwang kaganapan sa bureacracy." It is very rare that a government agency, including all its regional offices, is bestowed ISO certification. "Ito ay simbolo ng pagtanggap at pagtalima sa isang tungkulin na maglingkod ng buong husay sa ating mga kliyente." Dr. Castillo added in the presence of the CDA Directors, Assistant Directors, Division Chiefs among other CDA staff who graced the affair. "I am fortunate to be in company of world class workers. You are indeed are rare species!" he concluded.
Congressman Anthony Bravo of COOP NATCCO Party-List who attended the event congratulated the officials and personnel for this feat. He said that the ISO certification is just the beginning.  How to make a difference as an ISO organization is a challenge that the CDA has to face.  He assured everybody that he is and will be partner of the CDA forever.
The certification of the entire CDA will establish the uniform and consistent application of the registration systems, processes and procedure from one organizational unit to another.
This latest milestone is the realization of the commitment of the Department of Finance to the President in the cabinet planning tool submitted in 2012 that by 2014, all offices of the CDA are ISO 9001:2008 certified. The CDA is under the Office of the President but the administrative supervision of the agency was transferred to the Department of Finance by virtue of EO 332 s-2004. With this, the CDA is gearing up towards enhancement of the organizational capacity to making cooperatives as instrument of social justice, equity and economic development. The award is very timely as the cooperative sector will celebrate the Centennial of Philippine Cooperatives next year.
The Directors and Assistant Director shared their thoughts on the occassion.
CARAGA EO Director Genaro Pogata said that "we can do things better than yesterday and strive to achieve better tomorrow than today." Kidapawan EO Director Aminoden Elias added that the latest feather added on our cap is a product of teamwork and we displayed "stability under pressure." Davao EO Director Elma Oguis mentioned that we lived up to the challenge to "make do with the limited budget."  Cagayan De Oro EO Assistant Director quipped that ISO Certrification brought "camaraderie and positive morale among our staff."
Pagadian EO Director Ruben Cunanan on his part said that this milestone stands for "united spirit." His staff showed "mixed emotion" and made the "bind among us stronger." Cebu EO Director Felipe Deri on his part quoted Aristotle: "excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives--choice, not chance determines your destiny."
Naga EO Director Malu Pacao enjoined everybody that we should not rest on our laurels. We must not be contented with just sustaining our achievement. We must strive for continual improvement. "Complacency is the mother of stagnation!" she emphasized.
Tuguegarao EO Assistant Director Artemio Guzman said that the  ISO means setting the bar of excellent quality service. Ilo-ilo EO Director Arnel Agrasada shared the transformation of their extension office amidst constraints and difficulty. They were able to hurdle those "doing the things our way." All told, the ISO 9001:2008 cetification is an early christmas gift for CDA.
Source: www.cda.gov.ph

Monday, December 1, 2014


It has come to the attention of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) that certain organizations have been inviting coop Officers, Directors and Committee members to attend, join and participate trainings purportedly in consonance with the proposed amendments to the Rules and Regulations Implementing Certain and Special Provisions of the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 specifically referring to Rule 7 of said Code titled, “Functions, Responsibilities and Training Requirements of Directors, Officers and Committee Members”.  The invitation likewise reminds the prospective participants that failure on their part to comply with the training requirements will subject them to appropriate legal sanctions.
In view of the foregoing, the CDA  makes this public announcement that it is not authorizing, supporting and approving the conduct of the trainings in question using the proposed amendments of the Rules as motivation in enticing attendance of coop Officers, Directors and Committee members.  Be it noted that the proposed amendments are yet pending before the Philippine Congress for approval.  Thus, to hold trainings of such nature pending approval of the proposed amendments to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9520 is unduly called for and is improper.
Accordingly, coop Officers, Directors and Committee members are distinctly advised to circumspect in responding to said invitations.  Hence, proper verification of the validity and propriety of said trainings offered should be first made in order not to incur waste of time, effort and resources on your part.
On a last note, suffice it to state that the CDA does not condone acts intended to defraud its transacting clients to satisfy the ill-motives of those behind this scheme.  Rather, it is concerned with its duty to protect the interest and welfare of the members of the coop sector.
Source: www.cda.gov.ph

Thursday, November 20, 2014


The Cooperative Development Authority and the representatives of the different stakeholders of the cooperative sector, which compose the Committee on Centennial Year of Philippine Cooperatives is now launching the LOGO DESIGN CONTEST for the celebration of year of cooperatives which will happen in 2015.
All the cooperative members are invited to participate. Interested parties should submit their entries to the CDA Extension Office where their cooperative is registered. Deadline for submission is until DECEMBER 12, 2014. Please see poster for details and rules of the contest.
source: www.cda.gov.ph

Monday, November 3, 2014


CEBU CITY. The recently concluded biennial National Co-op Summit ended on a high note as the delegates composed of 4,300 co-op leaders and advocates netted resolutions from four thematic clusters: Producers and Marketing; Financial Services Banking; Services; Advocacy, Training and Research; and Services Cluster. The summit is a resounding success as the CDA praised the Philippine Cooperative Center and its local partner-hosts VICTO National and PCF. “This is the second most attended cooperative summit spearheaded by the Philippine Cooperative Center next to the 10th Co-op Summit held at Araneta Coliseum which was attended by some 7,000 delegates,” CDA Deputy Executive Director Giovanni Platero quipped in his closing remarks given in behalf of Executive Director Elevazo. “The quality of inputs by high caliber speakers in the plenary and break-out sessions provided challenging insights that made this summit worthy to remember” Director Platero remarked.
PCC Chairperson Doris C. Canares reported in the plenary the agreements and resolutions boned up in the breakout sessions. “We are preparing the complete report on those resolutions as there are scores of issues and concerns tackled in the break-out sessions,” Chairperson Canares enthused. The four clusters are expected to come up with each strategic plan to complement the broader Strategic Plan of the Philippine Cooperative Center and the summit outputs will serve as vital inputs in the respective clusters’ strategic plans. So far, only the Financial Cluster has completed the Strategic Plan. “The four clusters represent the pillars of PCC’s aspiration of putting to work the 10-year strategic directions crafted in the 10th National Cooperative Summit,” Canares added.
Economy is gloomy but Co-ops' future is bright
2014-10-26-news-12th-Coop-Summit-DioknoIn his keynote address, Former Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno revealed the state of Philippine economy. “It might not look as rosy as what our government officials would like us to believe. It is not meant to scare you. Rather it is meant to allow you to prepare for the future accordingly.” Secretary Diokno said in his opening statement. “As the world economy recovers, no matter how weakly, the ASEAN-5 region will continue to grow. Its growth will be supported by rapidly expanding middle-income households and massive growth in infrastructure spending and urban development across Asia” Secretary Diokno stressed in the middle of his presentation. As supported by statistical presentation he concluded that “Unemployment is high. Poverty is widespread and unchanging. Our public infrastructure is crumbling. Power plants are sputtering. We are attracting the least foreign direct investments. Investors perceived the Philippine state as fragile, not stable.” He recommended that the government must reform the tax system in order to improve resource allocation, make it fairer, and more harmonized with the tax systems of its ASEAN neighbors. Additionally, the government must spend more for public infrastructure, but choose the right projects. It must likewise borrow money for the cost of borrowing is very low compared in the past. Reduction of support to GOCCs will also make sense. Finally, we have to build democratic institutions among the three branches of the government to portray political certainty and stability.
On positive note, he made recommendations more specifically a call for action by the cooperatives. He said that the future of the cooperatives is bright. Secretary Diokno prescribed that the cooperatives must play an active role in economic development. “Your movembant is diverse, but a significant one. You are in consumerism, rural credit, agricultural production, transport sector, power sector, and many other areas. Some of you are represented in Congress. So you have a voice in policy making. Your group contributes about 5% to economic output or GDP which is bigger to the contribution of the mining sector. Your group directly employs close to 260,000 officials and workers.” Diokno enthused. What would be pivotal for the growth of the cooperative sector is the government investment in agricultural infrastructure. “Invest in productivity-enhancing, small-scale infrastructure projects that will reduce cost of production. Get serious with agrarian reform: the focus should be on giving individual titles to land reform beneficiaries. A strong, productive agricultural sector means more dynamic agricultural cooperatives.” Diokno emphasized.
Meanwhile, Pete Ilagan of National Association of Electricity Consumers for Reforms, Inc. (NASECORE) lauded CDA and PCC for successful staging of the event. “The attendance which exceeded the target number of 3,800, I was told, was a clear manifestation of the participants' acceptance of the theme and visions set for the Summit. lt also showed the unity and formidable strength that the cooperative sector can boast of.” Pete Ilagan emphasized. Incidentally, the theme of the summit is “Co-ops 2020: Raising the Bar” which revolved around theICA Blueprint for Cooperative Decade. “Owing to my belief that the time has come for the coop sector to get itself involved in the power sector as it can utilize its combined national resources of about PhP 430 billion in assets and 13 million member.” Pete Ilagan added. As a resource expert in the Service Cluster Session, he requested for a follow up meetings with the CDA and PCC to expound his recommendations on cooperatives involvement in power generation to answer the looming energy crisis. It turned out that the break-out session that he spoke before had measly attended by few hundreds and the time constraint limited his presentation on salient points.
Big turn-out of delegates
During the opening of the Summit, the organizers never expected the huge attendance of the delegates as the venue, Waterfront Hotel Convention Hall, were filled up to the rafter. They were expecting only 3,800 participants in the event but more than 4,300 persons witnessed the biennial co-ops festivities. In the hallway leading to the entrance of the convention hall, there were information booths showing the products and services of some partners like the Land of the Philippines (LBP)National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO),PEF, PAMI, CISP, PFCCO National, C21 Techno VentureManila Water, Globe Coop Net, VICTO/PCF, Pascual Health Care, MASS-SPECC and CLIMBS.
In his welcome remarks, Mayor Mike Rama of Cebu City mentioned that cooperatives is a manifestation that put to life the adage: united we stand, divided we fall. “We have a beautiful country with people who can bring us to fruitful and beautiful tomorrow through cooperativism,” Mayor Rama stressed.
Cebu Provincial Board Member Jude Thaddeus Ouano, on the other hand, read the solidarity message of Governor Hilario G. Davide, Jr. which commended cooperators in harnessing their potentials to be pro-active not only in the cooperative affairs but also in the affairs of the government. He expressed his belief that by cooperative members’ active involvement in sustaining cooperative operation will “evolve into a willed and strong partnership of [cooperative] sector with that of the government.” Governor Davide, Jr. emphasized in his written message that “Your involvement has always been our desire, because it cannot be denied that you have men and women who are not only skilled and capable but more importantly have the heart, mind and soul to sustain programs to its fruition for the benefit of everyone.”
On the part of Mandaue City, Councilor Bethooven Andaya who happened to be the Chairperson of the Regional Cooperative Development Council of Region 7, conveyed the greetings of Mayor Jonas Cortes. He salutes cooperatives’ resiliency by standing firm and strong in times of economic difficulty.
Summit Hymn
During the same occasion, the National Summit Committee launched the National Cooperative Summit Hymn entitled “Sama-sama sa Kooperatiba.” It will be recalled that the same song was introduced int the National Show of Cooperative Force in Quezon City Circle sometime in February of 2012 as part of activities of 2012 International Year of Cooperatives.
Co-ops living icons honored
Meanwhile the PCC honored the living icons of the Philippine cooperatives thru “Bigay Pugay” award. Among those cited for their contributions to the Philippine Cooperative Movement are well known cooperative leaders and advocates like former Senator Agapito “Butz” Aquino of the National Cooperative Movement Service Cooperative and the Chairman Emeritus of the PCC; Felix Borja of the Cooperative Union of the Philippines; retired Judge Esperanza Garcia of the Cebu CFI Community Cooperative; former CDA Administrator Father Benedicto Jayoma of the PFCCO National; the first CDA Chairperson Edna Aberilla; Herminio C. Hernandez of San Dionisio Credit Cooperative; Angel F. Echano of the Basud Development Cooperative; Valentina S. Tomas of the Nueva Vizcaya Alay Kapwa Multi-Purpose Cooperative;  Mother Leontina Castillo of the Cooperative Education Development Center;  Sister Marietta P. Demolino, SMCC of the National Cooperative Movement Service Cooperative Fermin Gonzalez of the CLIMBS; Bonifacio V. Borromeo of the Maripipi Multi-Purpose Cooperative; and Atty. Renato Fernandez,
The “Bigay Pugay” is first of its kind as the citation is given by no less than the Philippine Cooperative Center – the recognized apex coop body in the country. PCC General Manager Elsie Remonte explained that “Bigay Pugay is awarded to any cooperator who deserves our collective Salute.” Unveiled during the Cebu 12th Coop Summit, we expect that this will be carried on the succeeding years. ”we will continue to honor members, management and staff who have become worthy of the award, in various categories, in spontaneous achievements and feats worthy of recognition.” Manager Remonte added.
Just like the previous summit, immediately after the opening rituals, the CDA handled the next part which was the Gawad Parangal. 87 nominees took the center stage vying for awards in eleven categories. (See List of Winners
source: www.cda.gov.ph

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

DAR grants P4M building to agrarian reform cooperative

 BALANGA CITY, Bataan -The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Bataan granted a P4 million multi-purpose building to an agrarian reform cooperative in this City. Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer Neil Francis T. Pedralvez and Head of Program Beneficiaries and Development Division, led other agrarian reform officials in the turnover of the newly constructed building to Balanga Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative in upper Barangay Tuyo on Friday.
The building was funded under the Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Project Support of DAR. The city government of Balanga provided its counterpart fund for the construction of the building.
Senior Agrarian Reform Program Officer Norma S. Evangelista said that although the building will be used primarily as a warehouse, it will also be used as an office while the front area will be utilized for solar drying.
Bataan Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer Engr. Eric San Luis is also announced that his agency is almost done in its preparations to provide the required 14 free trainings to the agrarian cooperatives in the province, based on the Implementing Rules and Regulations of  the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 (RA 9520).  

While DAR Bataan is the only DAR entity in the country accredited by the Cooperative Development Authority to provide trainings to cooperatives, the province of Bataan ranks No. 1 in the country in the implementation of Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services program of DAR. Under this program, complete sets of agricultural production equipment are provided for free to agrarian reform cooperatives.

Subic Bay MPC to establish Mini Stop in FAB

Officials of the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) and the Subic Bay Multi-Purpose Cooperative (SBMPC) joined together to officially break ground on the construction of the first Mini Stop branch in the FAB. 

The Mini Stop franchise, which will be built and managed by the SBMPC, is an additional to the influx of new businesses that are set to be established in the freeport.
“This establishment of the Mini Stop is a welcomed development. The FAB and the SBMPC are collaborating to create new jobs for the residents of Mariveles,” AFAB Chairman and Administrator Deogracias G.P. Custodio said.
Meanwhile, SBMPC President Armila Alviz thanked the AFAB for supporting the project, assuring Chairman Custodio that the new business will not just benefit the members of SBMPC but also the AFAB due to the new investment created.
The Php3-million commercial building of the Mini Stop is expected to be completed by January next year.
The FAB is the emerging fashion manufacturing hub of the Philippines as it possesses a budding cluster of companies producing high-end brands of garments, apparel, shoes and accessories, like bags, jewelries, among others. Its vision is to be the Freeport of choice in the country by 2020, becoming a center of trade, innovation and sustainable development in Asia and promoting work-life balance, global competitiveness and environmental protection.
source: www.1bataan.com

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The collaboration of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) to strengthen the institutional capacity of agrarian reform beneficiary cooperatives commenced with the signing of “DAR/CDA Partnership Program” on December 7, 2012. The Program manifested the desire of both agencies of government to successfully implement the nation’s agrarian reform program through the strengthening of the institutional and entrepreneurial capacities of the ARBs cooperatives.
The Program was the subject of the conference of the fifteen (15) Regional Extension Offices Directors, Assistant Regional Directors and Headquarters’ Officers on September 30 to October 1, 2014 at Eurotel Hotel in Quezon City. The conference sought to assess the Program with the end view of strengthening the DAR/CDA Partnership in the delivery of support services to agrarian reform beneficiary cooperatives.
The Program was also participated in by DAR, Mr. Reggie D. Dionenda, who shared views and perspective about the program and the issues brought before them, and the CDA Resident Auditor, Ms. Columba Arnoco, who provided the findings on the liquidation of funds.
The Conference was a success as it was able to produce and submit to DAR the technical and administrative requirements of the Program.
Source: www.cda.gov.ph

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Series of 2014
DATE : July 23, 2014

WHEREAS, the collection of the LRF Fee was imposed by Republic Act No. 3870, which was created the U.P. Law Center, to provide financial support for the latter. Section 4 of R.A. No. 3870 mandates the imposition of the LRF Fee, as follows:
“ Section 4. In order to provide for the support of the UP Law Center and the University of the Philippines Law Complex, the additional amount of one percent (1%) of the filing fee imposed, x xx but in no case lower than ten (10) pesos in the case of all x xx agencies or tribunals exercising quasi-judicial functions and those enumerated in Letter Instruction No. 1182 x xx shall be collected by their respective clerks or equivalent functionary, for each action or special proceeding filed therewith and for which fees prescribed in x xx any statute or regulation are due and payable. For this purpose, “special proceeding” shall include any petition or application, paper or document seeking official action to establish a status, right, privilege or particular fact or command the performance of a duty. Such additional amounts shall be receipted for as part of a special fund known as the “Legal Research Fund”, and shall upon collection, be immediately remitted to the University of the Philippines and deposited in a separate account in any authorized government depository bank in the name of the National Treasurer as Ex- Officio Treasurer of the UP x xx.”
WHEREAS, as early as 13 November 2013, the Board of Administrators issued Resolution No. 240, s-2013 approving the collection of the Legal Research Fund (LRF) Fee for all applications for registration and amendment, petitions, complaints filed with the Authority.
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Section 4 of R.A. No. 3870 in relation to the relevant powers and functions of the Cooperative Development Authority, it is hereby directed:
  1. An LRF fee in an amount equivalent to one percent (1%) of the fee imposed but in no case lower than ten (10) pesos shall be collected on every fee for all applications for registration and amendment, petitions and complaints imposed by the Authority in the exercise and discharge of its regulatory functions.
  2. The LRF fee shall be on top of, and separate from, whatever fee is payable to the Authority under its Schedule of Fees and Rules and Regulations, the former being due under the R.A. No. 3870. The LRF fee shall be clearly written and entered on the Official Receipt as a separate item payable.
  3. Pursuant to Treasury Circular No. 4-2003 dated 01 August 2003, the Cashier of CDA Central Office and Extension Office shall collect the LRF fee and shall deposit it directly to the Bureau of Treasury for the account of the UP System (UPS Agency Code AO823, Fund Cod 187). The Cashier of CDA Central Office and Extension Office shall furnish the UP Law Center with a monthly report on the LRF collections and remittances to the Bureau of Treasury.
  4. All CDA Circulars or rules inconsistent herewith are repealed or modified accordingly. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in the Office of the National Administrative Registry (ONAR) or Official Gazette.
Approved per Board of Administrators Resolution No. 240, S-2013 dated November 18, 2013.
For your proper guidance.
By the Board of Administrators:
Source: www.cda.gov.ph

Monday, September 1, 2014


Pursuant to Article 3(e) of R.A. 6939, the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) hereby gives notice that it shall implement migration of cooperative data from existing Registration
Information System (RIS) to the newly adopted Cooperative Registration Information System (CooPRIS). 

In view hereof, notice is hereby issued that all applications for name reservation, new registration, and registration of amendment is temporarily suspended effective September 8, 2014 to September
30, 2014. All transactions indicated above shall not be accepted in all CDA Offices nationwide. 

Given this 27th day of August 2014.

Deputy Executive Director

Source: www.cda.gov.ph

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bataan CDO bags Most Outstanding Local Government Unit

BALANGA CITY, Bataan - Mrs. Azucena Sugatain, Head of the Bataan Cooperative Development Office, together with her staff received the much sought after CDA Gawad Parangal for Most Outstanding Local Government Unit in Region 3. Though there are existing awards and recognition given by other cooperative promoting institutions, this award given by the cooperative government regulatory agency, is something that cooperatives will treasure.
Now on its 3rd year in giving recognition and awards to cooperatives, local government units, partner organizations, and individuals, the Cooperative Development Authority  (CDA) believes that through this program, their exemplary performance, best practices, good governance and relevant contributions in building cooperative society under the categories of micro, small, medium and large cooperatives, will be properly recognized and acknowledged.  
The Bataan Provincial Cooperative Development Office, will be Region 3’s entry to the National competition. The other awardees from Bataan are the following: Traders Multipurpose Cooperative - BPSU Main Campus, Chairman- Thelma Manansala, Mgr. – Jim Paul Banzon (Small Category); Watchlife Workers Multipurpose Cooperative – FAB Mariveles, Chairman – Ofelia Hipolito, Mgr. – Charito Abaya (Medium Category); and Iwahori Multipurpose Cooperative, Inc. – Mariveles, Chairman – Marilou Tayco, Mgr. Marilou Alamario (Large Category).  
Source: www.1Bataan.com
PCEDO - Bataan
Best Performing Cooperative Development Office

Congratulations to all the staff of PCEDO Bataan for having awarded as the Best Performing Provincial Cooperative Development Office in Central Luzon in the 2014 CDA GAWAD PARANGAL Awarding Ceremonies held on July 18, 2014 at SACOP, Maimpis, City of San Fernando. We share this honor to all the Employees of Bataan Provl Govt and to the Bataan cooperative movement

Monday, July 7, 2014


The housing cooperatives and other types of cooperatives engaged in cooperative housing project provided the sector’s contribution to the government’s program to address the dwellers and shelter needs of the homeless low income earners. These cooperatives mobilize their resources and engage in the construction of housing units in partnership with the local government units, private sector or National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Government Financing Institutions (GFIs).   Inventory of the housing cooperative projects’ showed that they are either engage in land acquisition phase, construction, marketing, awarding of disposition of lots and housing units.
Underscoring the needs and aspirations of the cooperative sector, the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) and its co-convenor Key Shelter Agencies (KSAs) of Housing Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC); GFIs; and other government agencies and selected cooperatives who are members of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (JMEC) on Cooperatives spearhead the conduct of the 1st Cooperative Housing Summit to be held at Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City on July 17, 2014.   Everyone is invited to become part in one of the most important cooperative event of the year specially those egage in housing and to those intending to open a housing window to their cooperative-members. Registration fee is only Php 700.00 per participant inclusive of meals, snacks and kits.
The First Cooperative Housing Summit is very significant not only to the cooperative sector but as well as the different agencies involved in housing because it mark the first collaborative efforts to support the cooperative sector.
Honorable Herbert Bautista, Mayor of Quezon City will deliver the welcome address to this monumental activity. No less than the Honorable Vice President and Concurrent Head of the Housing Urban Developing Council (HUDCC) will render the keynote address.
Please be counted !!!
Source: www.cda.gov.ph

Forum on government e-services

CLARK, Pampanga - The Provincial Government of Bataan, upon invitation of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Bataan Director, Nelin Cabahug is taking part in the ongoing forum on government e-services conducted by the National Competitiveness Council (NCC) of the Philippines at the Lewis Grand Hotel in Clark, Pampanga.
As part of NCCs nationwide advocacy campaign in improving the ease of doing business, the forum aims to increase the level of awareness and promote understanding of the consumers and the private sectors from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on the various government initiatives that will ease the burden of bureaucratic transactions such as on-line applications, payments, registrations to name a few.  Experts from Philhealth and Pag-IBig were invited to present and demonstrate their new e –sForum on government e-serviceservice facilities, after which attendees are expected to develop a better understanding of the usage and benefits of online services as well as identify challenges and opportunities thru public/private discussion to further improve agency services.  

Mr. Geoffrey Loyola, MIS/PIO Head, Mrs. Alicia Magpantay, Prov’l Accountant and her two staff, Mrs. Azucena Sugatain of the Prov’l. Cooperative Development Office are currently attending the said whole day Capacity Building Program.
Source: www.1Bataan.com

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Puerto Princesa City, Palawan— About 500 cooperative leaders and members representing the billionaire and millionaire cooperatives in the country converged on June 16 – 17, 2014 in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan and crafted the 9 POINT AGENDA FOR ONE STRONG COOPERATIVE MOVEMENT -- a Puerto Princesa City Palawan.
The Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) through the leadership of its Chairperson, Dr. Emmanuel M. Santiaguel spearheaded the said National Convergence to initiate cooperative integration and encourage formation of one national federation as well as to update/inform the participants on the following: 1) the benefits of organizing themselves into one cooperative federation – one each in coop bank, coop insurance, agriculture, credit coop, workers coop, health service, marketing consumer; 2) the advantages of establishing liquidity/stabilization fund as the main business of national federation; 3) the economic and social value of integration thru merger and consolidation in order to be competitive; 4) the importance of voluntary arbitration as a mode of resolving intra-inter cooperative conflicts; 5) the ethics to be observed in establishing a cooperative branch/satellite offices; 6) the need for e-coop trade and the solidarity economy.
Dr. Santiaguel, in his presentation, tossed a number of challenges to the participants for them to sustain the momentum that large cooperatives have achieved over the years and to push forward the gains of the Philippine Cooperative Sector as important players in socio-economic development of the country at the height of ASEAN economic integration. These include the possible merger of MASS-SPECC and NATCCO; the merger of CLIMBS and CISP; the consolidation of all coop banks into One National Cooperative Bank; the integration of all ailing and distressed coops with the big coops; and last is the integration of all products and services per service category.
These challenges were bolstered by the lectures of the subsequent speakers and known cooperative leaders in their respective topics sharing their years of experience and expertise as prime movers of cooperative unification in the country. After the presentation of Chairman Santiaguel who updated the participants on the State of Philippine Cooperative MovementMr. Isagani B. Daba, BOD Member, FICCO & COO, CISP talked on One Co-op Movement while CISP President Roy S. Miclat provided insights on Merger & Consolidation of Cooperatives: Advantages and Benefits. On the other hand, NATCCO Networks CEO Sylvia O. Paraguya presented the information on Cooperative Stabilization and Liquidity Fund while MASS-SPECC CEO Bernadette O. Toledo lectured on The Need for Code of Ethics in Cooperative Branch/SatelliteAtty. Fernando Teodulo T. Ortigoza III of CDA Region X shared the participants some concepts on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Cooperatives. Meanwhile, PCC Acting General Manager Ms. Elsie A. Remonte reported on Philippine Cooperative Center: An Apex Organization. In related topics, Mr. Carlo V. Cachola, CDA IT Consultant shared relevant information on E-Coop Trade – the on-line Coop Market Place. Lastly, Mr. Benjamin R. Quinones and Mr. Brigido R. Simon, Jr. of Asian Economic Solidarity Council (ASEC) on Social Solidarity Economy: A Safety net for AFTA as Philippine Cooperatives veer towards the prospects of economic integration. END
Source: www.cda.gov.ph

Monday, June 23, 2014

Strategic Planning Seminar
Bataan Credit Surety Fund 

Sponsored by: The Bataan Provincial Government thru The Provincial Cooperative Development Office in cooperation with The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Signing of Memorandum of Agreement between HDMF Balanga and the Iwahori Multi Purpose Cooperative.

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which will deal with Pag-IBIG membership registration of earning members of the Iwahori Multi Purpose Cooperative was signed by Ms. Myrna M. Aniciete, OIC – Branch Head of Pag-IBIG Fund Balanga and Ms. Ma. Luisa B. Tayco, Chairperson of the Iwahori MPC on June 5, 2014 in Mariveles, Bataan.
The MOA signing was witnessed by the Marketing Personnel of Pag-IBIG Fund Balanga and Iwahori’s General Manager.